Awareness in a company
By working together, we will develop awareness tailored to business needs, creating a more efficient, stable and competitive organisation.

As a leader/ manager, why should you choose GUESS YOUR COMPANY?
decision maker
In the times of persistent uncertainty, leaders are under increasing pressure to maintain team cohesion, to strengthen the mental and spiritual capacities of their colleagues and to be proactive in the face of unpredictable and drastic change.
As a leader / manager GUESS YOUR COMPANY is for you if you want to build a more efficient, stable and competitive company!
During the workshop, we will develop awareness in senior managers, middle managers and intellectual teams (WC) based on their roles and responsibilities in the organisation, in response to business needs and tailored to the organisation.
Recognising and developing the internal potential of the team and colleagues makes the organisation creative and capable of renewal.
The workshop is GUESSYOURSELF the GUESSYOURSELF methodology
As a conscious leader, you will help your employees, your team and your company to adapt so that they can cope better in uncertain times!

How does a concious leader affect the organisation?

How does a concious leader affect the organisation?
Today, the ability to provide both stability and innovation is key to the development and indeed survival of a company or organisation. The GUESS YOUR COMPANY workshop will help you to achieve this.
Benefits - personal sense of achievement, job satisfaction, employee retention, improved perception of the brand and company etc.
The organisational awareness programme consists of three elements that shift the participants from the incorrecly used patterns, allowing them to think openly, to perceive reality from a different perspective, thus broadening the holistic way of thinking, whether they are strategic managers or even intellectual experts
I'm interested in Guess Your Company service!
As a conscious leader, I want to help my colleagues, my team and the company to adapt and adapt to uncertain times! I am interested in how I can do this