Guess your workforce
Being aware at work
Being more conscious helps you to get off the merry-go-round and, out of your daily routine which brings creativity, motivation to your everyday life. It brings efficiency and stability as a leader, team member, or even as a freelancer, both at work and in your personal life.
Be aware and decisive while feeling much better!
Why do you choose GUESSYOURSELF method?
team member
We are all under increasing pressure in times of crisis, and it is a question of how to cope with uncertainties in our work and private lives. When the world is changing around us, it is often difficult to stay motivated, enthusiastic and creative.
The key to our success and survival is the ability to break out of habits and routine tasks, to create value and maintain stability. These can only be achieved by a self-identified, adaptable and constantly renewing personality who can be inspirational for others.
GUESS YOUR WORKFORCE is for you if you want to be more effective, stable and decisive at work and at home also.
If you don't trust in yourself in certain situations, or are you afraid to take action, or do you prefer the boring familiar path to the alternative? These are the challenges that most of us need to face. If you want to improve, you need to practice positive, affirming actions that will help you to live your daily life more consciously.
The GUESSYOURSELF programme helps you to identify your own faulty thought patterns and poor choices, it gives you a direction for improvement, and you can take the first steps online, on your phone or laptop. By consciously developing these points, you can influence your behaviour, decision making and attitude in the work environment, making your organisation/team more effective.
Adapt more easily and quickly to change, trust yourself, be more balanced, step out of your daily routine and seize the opportunities. Change, don't drift!
Create a much better 2.0 version of yourself!

Why is it good to be aware?
You can turn habits into creative solutions, mistrust and fear into confidence, procrastination into efficiency, frustrations into results.
There is more in your personality!
Enjoy the challenges, overcome your fears, step out of your daily routine, seize your opportunities, be a better version of yourself!
We have a four weeks online development method featured by VIBER Rakuten and TALK_A_BOT in Hungary - but currently available just in Hungarian